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Food Fundamentals: Perfect Creamy Scrambled Eggs

21 February 2013


I used to think that scrambled eggs sucked. It just turned out that I was eating the wrong kind of scrambled eggs. I had the eggs at breakfast buffets, diners and cheap breakfast joints, and…McDonald’s. They were always either much too hard, rubbery, over-browned, greasy, what name you. I know many people like those kinds of scrambled eggs (to each their own) but that just wasn’t for me. I thought I was strange because I didn’t like to have scrambled eggs at breakfast, while everyone else gobbled theirs up, often smothered in ketchup (I don’t like ketchup either). Truth be told, I wasn’t really much of an egg fan, in any form (sunny-side-up, poached, hardboiled, softboiled, etc.), but it seemed like everyone liked scrambled eggs. I have now grown to appreciate most egg preparations, especially those with runny yolks.

Well now I’ve found a version of scrambled eggs that I like. This is similar to the classical method of making scrambled eggs, which involves constantly whisking the eggs in a saucepan (first introduced to me by Gordon Ramsay). This method is slightly modified but the  basic idea is the same. The key is lower heat, slower cooking and constant stirring. This leads to the formation of smaller curds and fluffy, creamy, almost soufflé-like eggs. I like my eggs a bit undercooked, but you can cook it a bit more if you like it that way. This is a very basic recipe but you can jazz it up with things like prosciutto, chives, smoked salmon, caramelized onions, whatever you’re feeling like. You don’t even need to add the parmigiano reggiano, that’s just a personal preference. They’re great plain too!

Here’s what you’re gonna need:

Creamy Scrambled Eggs:

  • 2-3 eggs (per person if doing more than one serving)
  • ~1 tbsp butter, cold
  • salt and pepper
  • freshly grated parmigiano reggiano (optional)



1. Crack eggs into a small bowl. Whisk vigorously until there are no long ‘strings’ of egg white remaining. Season with salt and pepper. Add butter, cut/torn into smaller pieces, and parmigiano.


2. Pour egg mixture into a small pan (cold). Place on stove and heat at medium-low. You can use a lower heat, but it will just take longer for the eggs to cook. It will result in the eggs being more evenly cooked, though. Don’t use a higher heat, as the eggs will cook too quickly.


3. Constantly stir the eggs, using small circular motions. Occasionally scrape down the sides of the pan, if necessary. It may seem like not much is happening at first, but the eggs will eventually start to cook. It is very important to constantly stir the eggs, in order to give the smallest curds.


4. Eventually the eggs will become thicker and more evenly cooked. Once it’s just slightly undercooked (based on your preference), remove the pan from the heat, while still stirring. The eggs will still cook and reach the perfect doneness.

5. Scrape the scrambled eggs on a plate. Serve with toast or just by themselves. Enjoy!


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  1. Katiepooh permalink
    21 February 2013 11:29 am

    They are nummy but they are also the slowest scrambled eggs I have ever made.

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